Why You Should Require Engineering Drawing Services?
Engineering sketches serve as a medium to convey design concepts and intricate details to engineers and other experts during the design phase. They transform complex 3D objects into understandable 2D representations on paper or digital screens through a method known as projection.
Architectural Analysis through 2D Technologies
Background Gsource Technologies, a renowned architectural and engineering firm, was entrusted with a challenging project by an already existing property owner in Florida. The owner aimed to expand their house with another floor, highlighting innovation in architectural design. The client’s primary concern was to ensure the structural integrity and safety of this ambitious endeavor. Also, the images in this document illustrate the following process justification for your reference only. To follow our privacy policy, we did not share their actual project images.
Elevating Structural Excellence through 3D Analysis
Background Gsource Technologies was entrusted with another challenging project by a prominent real estate developer in Connecticut, USA, aiming to construct a high-rise residential building. In this case, the client sought a more advanced 3D structural analysis to ensure the project’s structural integrity and safety. For your better understanding, of how this process flows, we have shared images under certain sections for your reference. Also, to maintain client privacy and to follow our policy precisely, the images included in this document is for reference purpose only.